Life, The Universe and Sci-fi

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Scifi channel continues to distance itself from sci-fi

With only 8 out of the top 10 highest grossing films of 2008 being science fiction or fantasy films I can see why the only cable channel dedicated to that genre would want to distance themselves by changing their name from Scifi Channel to Syfy channel.

It is clear from the dismal failure of movies such as "The Dark Knight", "Iron Man" and "Wall-E"  the entire concept of marketing to geeks and dysfunctional, antisocial boys in their basements with video games has been decided against.

I think they are trying to hide the fact that they really do see their audience that way and i believe that it is time for the executives who are running this network to be replaced by people who really understand the audience.

What so many people out there seem to misunderstand is that the future of the world is computers, science and all of those other "geeky" things that science fiction fans are interested in.

So, my plan is to call a boycott on their most popular show. My suggestion is that starting next saturday everyone stop watching Battlestar Galactica.